You can save about 12,600 DKK on our cloth diapers!
One of the advantages of cloth diapers is the economic savings. All of our starter packs generally provide significant savings compared to disposable diapers. We have calculated the initial costs for diapers, diapers in different sizes, water, electricity, and laundry detergent. For the calculation of disposable diapers, we have used a regular package of Libero diapers on sale for 99 DKK in various sizes with different quantities in the package. For the calculation of cloth diapers, we have used our own One-Size starter pack, see more in our diaper guide. The diaper period is on average 2 years with cloth diapers and 3.2 years with disposable diapers.
If you feel like entering your own numbers, you can download the diaper calculator. It only requires that you have Excel spreadsheet installed on your computer.